I never got to know, nor met, my German grandfather; Hans-Egon Brenger. I have known
about him since childhood, but other than that he was "German", "fought in WWII" and "served with the armored troops", my knowledge about him was very limited. To say the least. To me, he had always been just a collection of photographs and a bunch of field post letters. And that is it. All that began to change last year. I came in contact with a militaria collector, and he helped me to track down some of my grandfather's units with the help of the field post numbers printed and written on the envelopes of the letters I had in my possesion. That little glimmer of knowledge was the spark that set off what have now become one of my biggest interests: to learn as much as possible about my grandfather and what he and his units did during the war. The helpful collector gave me a nudge in the right direction and I set off on a very interesting and educating journey. Never could I imagine that the internet would be such a treasure trove of information regarding the German armed forces during WWII.
As previously mentioned what I had in the beginning was: a small photoalbum with personal, war-time photographs of my grandfather and a collection of field post letters and envelopes; written by my grandfather to my Finnish grandmother whom he met when he served in Finland with one of his units. The letters and envelopes provided me with, among other things, three different field post numbers and his rank: Oberfeldwebel (equalient to the US Military rank of Master Sergeant or the Swedish Military rank of Fanjunkare). The photographs, all probably taken in 1941-42 in Finland, confirmed his rank as well as what medals and awards he had (in 1941-42), as well as confirming him as being a soldier in the panzertruppe -this due to the black uniform worn and the Panzer Totenköpfe on the collar of the uniform.
One pair of Panzer Totenköpfe (sing. "Totenkopf") from my personal collection. Earth-find from Poland.
The first three units found were:
1./Panzer-Abteilung z.b.V. 40
1st Company, Panzer Battalion 40. The "z.b.V." stands for zur besonderen Verwendung ("for special purposes"). That basically means that Pz.Abt.40 (z.b.V.) was a battalion without a true parent division. This abteilung was created in 1940 for the invasion of Denmark and Norway.
1./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 25
1st Company, Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion 25. Armored recon unit that belonged to the 25. Panzer-Division.
1./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7
1st Company, Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion 7, 7. Panzer-Division.
Things definately started to look up at this point. I had gotten somewhere. I now had three units he served with. Down to company level! What was necessary now was to try to "connect the dots" so to speak. My grandfather's correspondance dates from 15.12.1941 to 19.05.1944 -letters sent from a total of three different units. Cronologically speaking, the first unit he served with (that I knew of at the time) was Pz.Abt.40.(z.b.V.); a unit that after serving in Denmark and Norway was shipped of to Finland in 1941. This, of course, immediately made me realize how he came into contact with my grandmother. Especially since Pz.Abt.40(z.b.V.), when not in the field, was stationed in Oulu, where I believe my grandmother was living at the time. The first two dots were connected.
The dates of the letters (and locations mentioned therein) that were sent to my grandmother while Pz.Abt.40.(z.b.V.) were serving in Finland all corresponds nicely to the activities of said unit:
06.03.1942 & 01.04.1942: Oulu
(Pz.Abt.40.(z.b.V.) were stationed in their winter quarters in Oulu until the end of spring.)
29.04.1942 to 17.11.1942: Im Felde ("In the field")
(From the end of spring until late fall/early winter the unit was involved in stemming Russian counter-attacks, limited anti-partisan activities and patrol and escort duties along and behind the Finnish frontline. I recommend Kari Kuusela's excellent book "Panzers in Finland" for those of you who want to learn more.)

Pz.Kpfw II from my grandfather's company in the vicinity of Kuusamo in 1941.
The first odd letter that came along was one dated 09.12.1942, bearing the header "Am Bord" ("On board"). This turned out to be a real gem, especially since I needed to "connect the dot" to the 25.Pz.Div. As it turned out, Pz.Abt.40.(z.b.V.) was shipped back to Oslo in December, where they came to form the II Abteilung of Panzer-Regiment 9 -a unit belonging to the 25.Pz.Div. My grandfather's letter obviously confirms this -especially since the following letter has the field post number that belongs to 1./Pz.AA.25. The third dot was connected.
From then on I was able to track him and his units from Norway over to the central and Southern sectors of the Eastern Front. At first I had a hard time connecting the dots between 25.Pz.Div. and 7.Pz.Div. That cleared up immensly when I (thanks to http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.com/) discovered that the 25.Pz.Div. fought in and around Shitomir on the Southern sector in December 1943 -which the 7.Pz.Div coincidentaly also did. (OFw H-E Brenger served with the 25.Pz.Div from 01.05.1943 until 19.01.1944 when he was transferred to 1./Pz.AA.7, 7.Pz.Div.) Another dot was connected.
At this point I felt that I had gotten quite a good grip on my grandfather's situation. However, at this point in time I also started to run out of dots to connect. The last preserved letter in my possesion is dated 19.05.1944. After that there is nothing. Total silence. I knew he survived the war. But what happened after May of 1944? A quickly answered request to Deutsche Dienstelle (WASt) changed all that... Not only did they provide me with his date of birth, the date of his enlistment (04.04.1934) but they also provided me with two other units that were outside the time span of the field post I had in my possesion:
6./Panzer-Regiment 6
Panzer-Aufklärungs-und Ersatz-Abteilung 9
A new, more comphrehensive picture immediately evolved. Pz.Rgt.6 belonged to the II Abteilung of the 3. Panzer-Division. And, since my grandfather entered service in 1934, and they have no prior units listed for him, it is therefore reasonable to assume that he served with Pz.Rgt.6, 3.Pz.Div. from the start (the first three Panzer-Divisions were created in 1935). The Pz.AA und Ers.Abt.9 was a unit the he joined in the beginning of January 1945. This being after a four month long lazarette (military hospital) stay. This particular unit was towards the end of the war subordinated under Pz.AA.9 and the 9.Pz.Div -a division that fought on the Western Front where they ended up, and subsequently surrendered, in the Ruhr-pocket. A brief note from a British demobilization camp dated 13.12.1945 more or less confirms that he fought in the Ruhr-pocket and surrendered together with the rest of his division.
My research situation today.
To sum things up a bit: What I currently know is that OFw H-E Brenger entered military service at the age of 18 in 1934. He served till the end of the war and fought in total in six different units in Poland, Denmark, Norway, Finland as well as the middle and southern sectors of the Eastern Front and, finally, on the Western Front.
Unfortunately what WASt lacked information on was what kind of medals and awards he recieved during the war, so unless I come across his Soldbuch and/or Wehrpass, I will probably never know what kind of military awards he recieved after 1941/1942 -if he did recieve any more medals and/or awards at all! Based on the photographs I have, I know that when he served in Finland he had:
Schützenschnur (1 Stufe?)
Marksmanship Lanyard. Awarded for skill with either pistol, rifle or machine gun. It is probably the First Grade he has, but it is hard to tell from the portrait photograph.
Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse
Iron Cross Second Class.
Verwundetabzeichen in Silber
Silver Wound Badge. Awarded for 3 or 4 wounds (or single, more serious wounds such as loss of a hand or foot etc.)
True Dienste 4 Jahre
Service Medal for four years of service. Having entered military service in 1934, this one is a given that he had (besides being visible on the photos of course).
(and most likely) Die Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
Occupation medal awarded to the troops participating in the march into Czechoslovakia. Some sources point out the 3.Pz.Div. as being the only panzer unit partaking in this action.
A truly nagging thought is one concerning his Wound Badge. I know he had the Silver one in 1941/1942; even though I do not know when he was awarded that one -WASt provided no information on that. What, as I have previously mentioned, they did provide information on was that he was quite severely wounded again, on the Eastern Front while serving with the 7.Pz.Div, on 02.07.1944. Now, does this mean that he was awarded the Wound Badge in Gold as well?! Or was that one, final wound, his fourth one -thus not qualifying him for the WB in Gold?
Photograph showing my grandfather's Iron Cross 2nd Class, Wound Badge in Silver, Long Service Medal and(?) Occupation Medal. The Iron Cross is the ribbon visible above and to the left of the ribbon bar, the WB the round badge beneath the ribbon bar and the Long Service award is the left ribbon in the ribbon bar. It can be identified as such since because when mounted in the ribbon bar the Long Service medal carried the Reichsadler ("Reich's Eagle") -and the Reichsadler is here visible as... the little white blimp on the first ribbon.
I would like to think that I have come a long way since spring last year, but there is still a ways to go, and there is lots and lots of information to be gathered. I will continue though and update this blogg whenever I find out something worth while.